Saturday 12 June 2021

Salary increase in budget 2021-22 Pakistan and pension


In the National Assembly, the Federal Budget 2021-22 has announced on June 11, 2021. The Finance Minister Shaukat Tareen presented this budget 2021-22 for the public. For this new budget plan, the meeting was held in the National Assembly under the Speaker Chairman Asad Qaiser in which Hamza Azhar, Federal Minister of Economic Affairs provided the new budget details.

In this budget, the federal government has given Rs 8000 billion for the next financial year, 900 billion for federal development budget, and Rs 1,330 billion for their defense. In budget 2021-22, the federal government has also presented Rs 510 billion for civil government expense and Rs 994 billion for grants.

Salary increase in Budget 2021-22 Pakistan

The budget 2021-22 gives good news for government employees who want to increase their basic pay. The federal government has spent Rs 475 billion on government employee’s pensions.

The government drafted a federal budget 2021-22 of PKR Rs 7,570 billion with a deficit of Rs 3,000 billion for the public and especially for the government employees. The budget has increased the employee’s salaries by 10% and pensions also by 10% due to high inflation from July 1, 2021.

The federal government adjusted the salary increment by following criteria:

  • The all government employee’s salaries have increased by 10% and Adhoc Relief Allowance also increased by 10% from July 1, 2021.
  • The government employee’s pensions have also increased by 10% from July 1.
  • Ardali Allowance has increased Rs. 14000/- per month to 17500/- per month.
  • The integrated Allowance for BPS-1 till BPS-5 scale employees has raised Rs. 450/- per month to 900/- per month.
Salary increase in budget 2021-22 Pakistan

In this budget 2021-22, the federal government also presented to give minimum of Rs 20,000 monthly income to the less employed person due to high inflation.

budget 2021-22 Pakistan salary increase chart

 Basic Pay Scales of Civil Servants
                   Basic Pay scales-2017
          BISPAdhoc 10% in Budget 2021     integrated AllowanceTotal
          1        913     4501363
           2      931     4501381
           3      961      4501411
           4     990     4501440
           5       1026     450 1476
           6         1062    1062
           7        1099    1099
           8        670      670
           9       1138     1138
         10       1216    1216
         11      1257     1257
         12        1332     1332
         13      1426   1426
         14      1518   1518
         15     1612    1612
         16      1891 1891
         17     3037   3037
         18    3835 3835
         19     59215921
         20     69096909
         21     7672 7672

The federal government said that they will continuously provide many benefits to the government employees during employment. They also presented that the salary increment will provide during employment service and after retirement it will not benefit them. This budget is beneficial for all departments such as agriculture, social, labor, and especially for government employees.

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