Tuesday 20 February 2018

Past Paper of PPSC Headmaster/Headmistress and top most repeated questions must read for upcoming PPSC jobs 2018

30.          The content to be taught by the teacher to be pupils was derived from:
                (a)   Topics     (b) Syllabus     (c)   Curriculum      (d)   Educational experience
31.          Salary disbursements are recorded in:
                (a) Service book  (b) Cash book  (c) Long register   (d) Acquaintance role  
32.          Elements of administration according to Luther Gulick are famous as:
                (a) POSTCORB  (b) POSDCORB  (c) POSKBORB   (d) POSTCARD
33.          NCHD stands for:
(a) National Commission for Human Development   (b) National Center for Human Development (c) National Council for Human Development            (d) National Council for Human
34.          The inductive method helps to draw the conclusions from:
                (a) Simple to complex   (b) Concrete to abstract  (c) General to specific   (d) specific to concrete
35.          The effectiveness of a curriculum determined by:
                (a) Objectives  (b) Design  (c) Method  (d) Evaluation    
36.          Directing, Advising and Encouraging subordinates is a part of:
(a) Checking   (b) Inspection  (c) Supervision   (d) Administration
37.          A type of test is used to predict future situations of the students:
                (a) Standardized   (b) Aptitude   (c) Achievement   (d) Teacher made
38.          Sampling in which no individuals, but groups are randomly selected:
(a) Cluster   (b) Systematic   (c) Random   (d) Stratified
39.          The great contribution in promoting Urdu language is on the part of:
                (a) Deoband   (b) Aligarh  (c) Nadwa tul ulama   (d) Jamia Millia Islam
40.          The main purpose of educational system according to Lord Macaulay was:
(a) Social  (b) Moral development  (c) To educate native people  (d) To serve English government system         
41.          “Education is the process for the creation of a sound in a sound body is defined by:
                (a) Plato  (b) Rousseau  (c) Aristotle   (d) Dewey               
42.          UNESCO has proposed that the developing country must spend on educational sector:
                (a) 4% of GNP (b) 5% of GNP (c) 6% of GNP   (d) 7% of GNP        
43.          The objectives of education are derived from:
                (a) Culture  (b) Books   (c) Thesis  (d) Parents        
44.          The inspection concept was started in:
(a) America (b) China (c) India (d) England
45.          Who is known as the father of administrative process?
(a) Luther Gulick   (b) Henri fayol  (c) Sears   (d) Abraham Maslow
46.          Planned and systematic effort by open universities to provide the individuals with a second chance of education is called:
                (a) Formal Education   (b) Informal Education (c) Inclusive Education (d) Non-Formal Education
47.          The extent to which people have the ability and Willingness to accomplish a specific task is:
                (a) Ability (b) Readiness (c) Maturity (d) Task-oriented behavior
48.          Al Ghazali’s philosophy of education represents the:
                (a) Islamic thinking   (b) Social thinking   (c) Culture   (d) Scientific aspects
49.          The primary responsibility to determining the aims of education should be of:
                (a) Society (b) teacher (c) Administration (d) Textbook writer
50.          The highest level of cognitive domain is:

                (a) Application  (b) Knowledge  (c) Evaluation (d) Synthesis
51. Immediate outcomes of classroom instruction are called:
a) Aims                                                                 b) Objectives
c) Goals                                                                                d) Targets
52. Changing agent in our education system is:
a) Teachers                                                         b) Parents
c) Society                                                             d) Researcher
53. Major guiding principle for curriculum development is:
a) Pattern                                                            b) Model
c) Design                                                              d) Hypothesis
54. In Pakistan, teachers are generally trained about new changes in through:
a) DSD                                                                   b) PEAS
c) NEAS                                                                                d) Curriculum wing, Ministry of Education
55. A continuous process of human development which never comes to an end is:
a) Assessment                                                  b) Monitoring
c) Learning                                                          d) Instruction
56. Try-out of curriculum development reflects the procedure of:
a) Analytical                                                        b) Judgmental
c) Consensual                                                    d) Experimental
57. Traditionally curriculum means:
a) Topics for teaching                                     b) Reading material for students
c) Textual material for teaching                                d) Teacher’s diary in the school
58. Strict discipline of education is followed in:
a) Formal education                                       b) Non-formal education
c) Informal education                                     d) Inclusive education

59. Curriculum means:
a) Child planned Experiences                    b) School heads
c) Test book reading                                       d) Knowledge explosion
60. Guidance to the children is primarily the chief function of:
a) School teachers                                           b) School heads
c) College principals                                        d) University teachers
61. College teachers are recruited by:
a) Selection Board                                           b) Syndicate
c) Director of Public Instruction                  d) P.C.S
62. Epistemology is the branch of philosophy that deals with:
a) Knowledge                                                    b) Values
c) Reality                                                              d) Aesthetics
63. Axiology is the branch of philosophy that deals with:
a) Knowledge                                                    b) Values
c) Reality                                                              d) Aesthetics
64. The ideological basis of curriculum development can be derived from:
a) Sociological foundation                            b) Philosophical foundation
c) Psychological foundation                         d) Economic foundation
65. Leadership deals with strict discipline represent:
a) Theory X                                                         b) Theory Y
c) Laissez faired), Behaviorist
66. Child-centered teaching is usually related to:
a) Subject curriculum                                     b) Broad field curriculum
c) Integrated curriculum                               d) Activity based curriculum

67. Educational philosophy which asks for hands on learning activities group work and experimentation is called:
a) Perennialism                                                 b) Essentialism
c) Progressivism                                               d) Humanism
68. Directorate of staff development is responsible for:
a) Conducting public examination             b) Selecting suitable persons for government department
c) Planning to enhance quality of education         d) Designing and imparting in service teacher education
69. Quality of education mostly depends on the quality of:
a) Physical facilities                                          b) Teacher education
c) Textbooks                                                     d) Libraries and laboratories
70. The forces that affect the curriculum development are:
a) Curriculum evaluation                             b) Curriculum design
c) Curriculum foundations                           d) Curriculum elements
71. The most important factor which resist the curriculum change is:
) Student                                                           b) Parents
c) Society                                                            d) Teachers
72. The process that energizes direct and sustains human behavior is:
a) Organization                                                 b) Learning
c) Motivation                                                    d) Observation
73. A process of reducing the role of Central Government in planning and providing education at local or district level referred to:
a) Decentralization                                         b) Centralization
c) Budgeting                                                       d) Decision making
74. Recruiting sources which are not expensive in organization:
a) Advertisement                                            b) Employment opportunities
c) Employees referrals                                  d) Temporary rental services
75. Logical thinking that uses induction or deduction to reach a conclusion is:
a) Reasoning                                                      b) Thinking
c) Creativity                                                        d) Decision making
76. Applying previous experiences and knowledge to learning or problem solving in a new situation is:
a) Problem solving                                          b) Motivation
c) Transfer                                                          d) Learning
77. Which ought to be in the curriculum development refer to:
a) Philosophical foundation                       b) Sociological foundation
c) Psychological foundation                         d) Economic foundation
78. Function of integrated curriculum for class 1-3 was to:
a) Combine all the subjects                         b) Reduce teacher workload
c) Enhance quality education                     d) Reduce busta-load
79. When every number of the accessible population has an equal chance of being selected to participate in a study the researcher is using:
a) Simple random sampling                        b) Convenience sampling
c) Stratified random sampling                     d) Purposive sampling
80. Collection of orders from the high authorities to government education servants and institution is found:
a) Handbook of circulars                               b) Education code
c) Order book                                                    d) Contingency records
81. Laboratory attendant is considered for leave purpose as an employee of:
a) Non-vacation department                      b) Non-government department
c) Vacation department                                                d) Semi-government department
82. The main purpose of Deoband tehreek was to:
a) Protect and propagate Islamic value  b) Enables Muslims to do government job
c) Prepare Muslims to fight against British d) Prepare muslims to learn modern knowledge
83. Microteaching is a technique which is:
a) Content-oriented                                        b) Assessment oriented
c) Skill oriented                                                                d) Discipline oriented
84. BOS stands for:
a) Board of studies                                          b) Board of science
c) Board of student                                         d) Board of school
85. Dramatic reduction in number of employees as per requirement is called:
a) Right sizing                                                     b) Downsizing
c) Suspension                                                    d) Termination
86. The general statements that describe national aspirations about life outcomes as a result of education are called:
a) Aims                                                                 b) Goals
c) Objectives                                                      d) Instructional objectives
87. When information and ideas are shared among the staff members it is said that there exists:
a) Downward communication                    b) Effective communication
c) Horizontal communication                     d) Diagonal communication
88. Nadva-Tul-Ulema was established by:
a) Molana Shibli Nomani                             b) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
c) Molana M. Ali Mangheri                           d) Molana M. Ali Johar
89. Leadership is:
a) The ability and readiness to inspire, guide, direct others
b) Process of influencing the activities of an organized group
c) The ability to inspire, manage and influence in the task of goal setting
d) The function to evaluate and improve the administration and academic staff
90. Tyler model is used for:
a) Curriculum development                       b) School improvement
c) Evaluation                                                      d) Teacher improvement
91. The first phase of teacher training is need assessment and establishing:
a) Goals                                                               b) Aims
c) Objectives                                                      d) Skills
92. The acquisition of knowledge, skills and behavior is termed as:
a) Training                                                          b) Performance
c) Development                                                               d) Selection
93. Discipline is determined through proper:
a) Management                                               b) Reward
c) Punishing                                                        d) Downsizing
94.What does E and D rules means?
a) Efficiency and discipline rules              b) Efficiency and duty rules
c) Efficiency and department rules           d) Efficiency and demanding rules

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